Capture your intellectual property
Many people will tell you that your staff are your most valuable asset. We don't agree at all. If a staff member leaves, you can replace them. We are not saying that your staff are not important, but we think something else is even more important. What happens if you lose your intellectual property? This is the information, knowledge and know-how that has been accumulated in your business and which enables everyone in your organisation to do their job. You cannot operate without it. It is this intellectual property that is your most valuable asset. Many businesses fear losing staff because much of their intellectual property is stored in the heads of their staff, rather than in a good set of policy and process documents which ensure that it is retained if a staff member leaves.
We will make it easy for you to capture and record your intellectual property in a set of high-quality and easy to use manuals. We will help you to set them up and teach you how to write operating procedures that are easy to follow and very user-friendly. The added advantage of this, apart from retaining the information in your business when somebody leaves, is that training times are reduced because the information is readily available for training new staff and can be referred to by them at any time.
In summary, we believe that your policies and procedures should be well-written in clear and concise language, properly punctuated and without typographical errors. We also believe that each of your procedures should be documented to a level that ensures that all of the variables in the procedure are controlled, giving rise to a standard operating procedure which ensure the same exact output every time.
The advantages of documentation of this standard are a considerable reduction in one-on-one training time, less errors and rework, better quality outputs, less customer complaints and resulting loss of reputation and increased profits.
All your business know-how in a clear and user-friendly format. Let us show you how.